Human Interest

Drama teacher turns his living room into a theatre to create a ‘Sauti Sol’ out of these children

In 2016, Moses Ondu for the second time participated in the Kenya National Schools Drama Festivals. The event which brings together learning institutions from across...

From single-street market centre to a home of modern skylines; How devolution breathed life into once sleepy Migori Town

About a decade ago, it was a mere administrative centre which could barely attract investments. According to 2009 census, Migori town had just about 29,...

Why every Kuria man you meet is named Chacha, Mwita or Marwa

The Kuria, also known as AbaKuria, BaKuria, IgiKuria are an agro-pastoralists and Bantu-speaking ethnic group residing in Kuria West and East Sub Counties of...

The man of God creating men out of street boys

It is Wednesday mid-morning, and Bungoma Airstrip playground is a beehive of activities. Teenagers and young adults are organizing themselves, ready for a football...

Bright future for Kisumu Port as MV Uhuru transports 74 million litres of fuel to Uganda in two years

Kisumu Port’s pioneer cargo vessel MV Uhuru I has transported 74 million litres of fuel to Uganda since its operationalization in March 2020. The revelation...

Meet Abdallah Kassim; Governor Nyong’o’s no-nonsense Chief of Staff who quit plum UN job to take up less lucrative county position

Abdallah Kassim is not your ordinary Chief of Staff. When we reached out to him to seek for an appointment for an interview for this...