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Masline Odero

How Luo culture threatened extinction of Kenya’s rare Roan Antelope

In May 2023, Homa Bay County Government hosted a rare marathon; Roan Antelope Half Marathon. The run dubbed “run with the roan” was organised in...

How these Homa Bay women are turning wastes into wealth

The bright sun rays piercing through the skies lights up Homa Bay Town Central Business District. Inside a small room in one of the commercial...

Homa Bay health volunteers to receive monthly pay

A total of 2954 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in Homa Bay county will now be entitled to receive a monthly stipend of Sh 2000...

Over 73 hospitalised, one dead after cholera outbreak in Homa Bay

One person has succumbed to cholera while 73 others are admitted at Sindo sub-county Hospital in Suba South constituency in Homa Bay county. While addressing...

Homa Bay teachers oppose affordabale housing scheme, threaten to down tools

Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Homa Bay branch have threatened to down their tools should the government proceed with its plans of...

Homa Bay boosts maternal care with Sh8m hospital renovation

Homa Bay County’s maternal care has received a major boost after the county stocked Sh8 million in the renovation of the Homa Bay County...