The bedrock of any Lake-front Regeneration Initiative is to spur economic growth and development.
Homa Bay Governor, Gladys Wanga has been championing for this initiative which entails rehabilitation of piers around the lake.
“My administration is working with Kenya Ports to fast track the upgrading of all similar piers in our county,” said Wanga.
In order to satisfy various societal needs, maximizing the use of land and water whilst conserving the fragile ecosystems is necessary
UN Habitat Report
The Governor on Thursday outlined her plan to Homa Bay traders on the upcoming developments along the lake.
“The traders are also excited about the changes and promise to be a part of the development,” she said.
Lake-front Initiative
The UN Habitat had proposed the formation of this Corporation that would promote public and private sector investment.
The project brings together Kisumu and Homa Bay counties under the auspices of the Kisumu Lake- front Development Corporation.

According to a report by US department of commerce, water front spaces have a potential for holding shops, parks, museums and housing infrastructures.
“The have a strong potential to provide diversified opportunities for economic development, public enjoyment and civic identity,” read a report in part.
They can be made attractive according to their proximity to water. These sections are lively attraction sites for residents and visitors alike.
Even though lakes have an unquestionable value as an economic resource, they are subject to serious pollution problems.
The report further added that lakefronts are of the most complex and challenging urban lands, considered a national asset yet expected to fulfil daily needs of local residents.
The report further reads, “In order to satisfy various societal needs, maximizing the use of land and water whilst conserving the fragile ecosystems is necessary.”