John Ngumi; The man taking over the helm of Safaricom board

John Ngumi

Investment banker John Ngumi has been appointed the Chair of Safaricom Board of Directors.

Mr Ngumi replaces Michael Joseph who has served since chairman Nicholas Ng’ang’a retired in 2020.

Ngumi’s role as a chairman will be effective from August 1.

Ngumi holds a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from St Peters College, Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

He currently serves as board chair at the Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC).

ICDC is leading the effort to implement the Kenya Transport and Logistics Network, encompassing Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Pipeline Company Limited and Kenya Railways Corporation.

“He also serves on the board of Kenya Airways PLC,” read a notice by Safaricom Plc.

He has 35 year banking career with both local and international cooperates.

Ngumi began his career at Nation West Minister bank in London, Grindlays Bank, Citibank and Barclays Bank, among others.

He chaired boards of Kenya Pipeline Cooperation and Konza Technopolis Development Authority.


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