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Why many Kenyan women are now buying cucumbers


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Cucumbers are long green garden vegetables popularly known for making salads.

They are not just healthy to eat but also helps to maintain one’s weight.

This not being enough cucumbers are also beauty products.

A reason why many Kenyan women are now purchasing the fruit which comes from the watermelon and pumpkin family.

With its cooling effects from its natural juice, it is able to get rid of oil in the skin

Benefit of cucumber

The vegetable contains vitamin K, C and beta-carotene which helps maintain a healthy and younger skin.

Many ladies cover their eyes with cucumber slices after applying facial massage products.

Skin care

However, research has proved that cucumber could do more than just covering the face.

With its cooling effects from its natural juice, it is able to get rid of oil in the skin.

Cucumber also acts as a natural bleaching agent as it able to remove skin tans and also reduce scars.

Specialists have since warned that hectic schedules often lead to dark circles and puffy eyes. 

Excessive use

It also helps in restoring an evening your skin complexion.

All this could be achieved if cucumber is used correctly with the correct ingredients.

Here are some the steps you could use to get better results.


For a cucumber skin care face wash splash or apply some cucumber juice all over the face and neck and leave it to dry for 3o minutes.

Once done, wash well with cold water. This also cleanses out the clogged pores on the skin.

Specialists have since warned that hectic schedules often lead to dark circles and puffy eyes. 

Cucumber also heals acne.

With the antioxidants content it helps resolve inflammation as it lightens the skin.

Austine Ogalo
Austine Ogalo
Lake Region Bulletin is your one stop multi-media platform for news and stories from the Lake Region counties of Kisumu, Siaya, Homabay ,Migori, Siaya, Kissi,Nyamira, Vihiga, Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Nandi, Kericho and Bomet


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