33 bills were enacted during the adjournment of the Second Migori County Assembly.
This brings to a total of 63 acts being passed by the house since the advent of devolution government.
Speaking at the County Assembly chambers Migori County Speaker George Duro said that of the 33 acts, 12 were annual appropriation Acts.
“These passed bills includes annual acts, with the recent one being the passed 8.9 budget for the 2022/23 Financial,” said Duro.
Duro further noted that several projects have been implemented at ward levels among them 800 Early Childhood Development (ECD) classes across 40 wards.
He however noted that some approved and implemented policies by the executive including Sexual and Gender Based Policy, Migori Education and Support Policy, and the Early Childhood Development Policy will be introduced in the assembly as bills.
The bills
The Sweet Potato Cooperation Act which aims to boost sweet potato farming through value addition was among key passed bills.
This has already overseen the opening the Getonganya Sweet potato factory in Kuria West.
The Migori County Agricultural Training Centre Act, Law enforcement Inspectorate, Lake Region Economic Act, County Health Services Act, Sand Harvesting and Quarrying Act and County Agricultural Training Centre Act were among the passed bills.
Duro further urged the incoming to see through the implementation of the pending bills.
“We still have some of the pending bills that already were with the Government Printer,” stated the speaker.
“My only prayer is to urge the incoming MCAs to pass these pending bills for the benefits of our people”, furthered Duro.
The bills which include the Education and Support Bill, Village Administration Bill and People with Disability bills.