Bar owners in Kisumu have vowed to invest on CCTV cameras to curb increasing cases of drink-spiking menace.
They also want to increase number of bouncers to beef up security of their patrons.
This is in addition to more First Aid kits for emergency cases should revelers be drugged.
Through Kisumu Bar Owners Association (KBOA), they say the recent media expose of the menace was timely.
We have requested that more first aid kits which will be used during emergency cases be purchased and handed to the bouncers
KBOA Chairman Daniel Ouma
The drink spiking crime commonly known in Kenya as ‘Mchele’ has lately dominated national headlines with various Kenyans narrating their ordeals.
According to KBOA chairman Daniel Ouma, many cases have been reported by clients in the area.
“Drugging is on the increase and as bar owners we have asked our members to invest on more CCTV cameras,” he said.
“We also want to increase the number of bouncers who will consistently review CCTV cameras and identify the culprits,” furthered Omondi.
The bar owners have also proposed the purchase of more first aid kits which will assist in handling the emergency cases in the entertainment joints.
“We have requested that more first aid kits which will be used during emergency cases be purchased and handed to the bouncers,” stated Omondi.
Kenyans call this act ’Mchele’, a swahili word for the popular cereal known in English as rice.
The name is in reference to rice-like pellets used by thieves to harvest from individuals who have gone out to drink.

Main targets
In most occasions, men are always the targets.
The perpetrators usually women lure persons before spiking their drinks and stealing from them.
Some rogue employees however collaborate with these ‘basmati queens’ in identifying and robing potential customers.
The most common drugs used include Dormicum, Ketamine and Scopolamine.
Revelers have since been warned to be careful with strangers when out in entertainment joints.
Further advisory is to always have a friend watching over your food and drinks and not exceed your alcohol limit.