A recent survey has revealed that a good number of Kenyans use social media to access entertainment content as opposed to news.
The 2021 survey conducted by the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) in which a sample size of 3, 589 respondents were used indicated that overally, 64 per cent of respondents used social media for entertainment while 59 per cent used the same media to access news and information.
53 per cent used it for networking purposes with 30 per cent using it for both pass time and research.
Online marketing, gossiping and activism came last in the report with 17, 11 and 4 per cent respectively.
The research also indicated that a greater majority, up to 91 per cent, used their smart phones to access social media platforms.
This remained relatively consistent across demographics which included urban and rural areas and male and female genders.
Smart televisions and smart watches came last with 2 per cent for both overall.
Urban areas recorded 37 per cent of respondents spending 1-3 hours on social media platforms with a 36 and 35 per cent of male and female respondents spending the same amount of time respectively.
The report which also found that 24 per cent of students spend more than 6 hours on social media platforms with 13 percent of retired people spending the same amount of time, was presented by the CEO of MCK, David Omwoyo on January 31, 2022.