Cross border movement between Kenya and Tanzania has played a huge part in propagating Female Genital Mutilation in Migori County.
Stakeholders in the fight against the vice now say the ease at which perpetrators escape into Tanzania has made it difficult to fight it.
According to Mabera Sub County Children’s Officer Jannet Robi, more needed to be done if the vice has to be completely wiped out among the Kuria community.
She was speaking during a forum to evaluate the incidents of FGM in December 2021.
A report by the committee indicated that 42 girls were arrested during the December raids which targeted FGM perpetrators.
However, six of the girls were released after it was discovered that they were Tanzanian citizens.
The rest are still held at Manga rescue centre in Kisii County, where they are waiting to be arraigned in court to testify against their parents for forcing them to face the knife.

The report also indicated that 21 parents are currently remanded at Migori prisons and are facing at least six-year jail terms should they be found guilty.
Vincent Mwita, coordinator of Tunaweza Empowerment organization in Kuria said there is a need to to upscale sensitization to help young girls make the right decisions in regards to the cut.
Deputy County Commissioner for Kuria West Andrew Mwiti noted that the assessment would be used as a measure for preparations for the forthcoming April-March circumcision season among the Abukira clan.
He gave a stern warning to the perpetrators, noting that more severe actions will be taken against the perpetrators.
“We know that March and April have been circumcision periods. We are ready to face anyone who will attempt to abuse our girls,” said Mwiti.
He acknowledged that the presidential directive of ending FGM by January 2022 had elapsed and those found practicing the same would face the full force of the law.

Stakeholders present during the assessment meeting included World Vision, Department of Interior, Child Protection Gepartment and gender Department, as well as rights organization Tunaweza Empowerment Organization.